
Top Vitamins That Support Teeth and Gums

We all are aware of how vital it is to take a bountiful supply of vitamins each day. Vitamins and supplements are critical for our entire body’s well-being, but they can be incredibly helpful in keeping gums and teeth healthy.

Ideally, your supplements and vitamins should be coming from the foods that you consume. Healthy food sources have the most impact on our health and are the easiest for us to absorb. However, intaking a vitamin supplement like a multivitamin can help fill in the gaps that you might be missing daily.

Best Vitamins for Teeth and Gums

Here are some of the best vitamins and supplements to take to boost your dental health and general well-being:

1. Calcium

Calcium is reputed for bone health, so it’s only apparent that it would be critical for dental strength. When not adequate calcium is consumed, your body will compensate by removing this mineral from bones and teeth. This can end up in tooth decay because teeth aren’t as resilient and healthy as they once were.

Some of the most renowned foods loaded with calcium include almonds, leafy greens, oysters, sardines, and most dairy products like yogurt and milk [1].

2. Vitamin A

Many people think of Vitamin A as contributing to good eyesight, but it can be just as crucial to your dental well being. Vitamin A is responsible for maintaining salivary glands flowing and active, which can prevent tooth decay. Saliva works by cleaning away plaque and bacteria inside the mouth.

Dry mouth can lead to both tooth decay and gum disease, so preventing the dry mouth from occurring in the first place is your best defensive line. Some of the most common food sources containing vitamin A include sweet yams and potatoes, kale, peppers, fish, and egg yolks [2].

3. B Vitamins

Two of the crucial B vitamins that help with dental health are riboflavin (B-2) and niacin (B-3). Both vitamins help keep oral inflammation and sores at bay, which can help treat and prevent inflamed gums, canker sores, and injuries inside the mouth.

Healthy soft tissues and gums present in the mouth are all part of maintaining a healthy, full smile. Some of the best food sources for riboflavin and niacin include spinach, almonds, red meats, legumes, and dairy products [3].

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is useful in keeping the connective tissues in your mouth healthy and strong. Without adequate Vitamin C, your teeth can become weak, loose, and vulnerable to developing gum disease and gingivitis. One of the most prevalent conditions in history, called scurvy, was because of Vitamin C deficiency.

Since one of the adverse effects of scurvy was tooth loss, it’s apparent that having enough of this vitamin in your diet is critical for oral health. Some of the more popular sources of Vitamin C include citrus fruits like limes and lemons, oranges, peppers, berries, kale, and sweet potatoes [4].

5. Vitamin D

Without sufficient Vitamin D, your body is not able to absorb calcium as efficiently. Even if you’re are eating foods packed with this nutrient or taking an excellent calcium supplement, you may not be absorbing nearly as much as you want without the aid of Vitamin D.

Unfortunately, Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common problems in the modern times, with a substantial majority of individuals being deficient in some way.

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Our best sources of Vitamin D include enriched dairy products like milk and yogurt and natural sunlight. Even soaking in the sun for 20 minutes daily is enough to soak up a substantial amount of Vitamin D [5].

6. Vitamin E

There have been links to the prevention of gum disease and Vitamin E. This is mostly due to anti-inflammatory properties of Vitamin E .

The vitamin can help minimize inflammation in the mouth and help prevent oxidation and swelling. The most common sources of vitamin E include vegetable oil, wheat germ, nuts and seeds, avocados, and fish.

7. Iron

Iron is essential in keeping red blood cells counts at an optimum level. Without adequate iron, your body becomes iron deficient, causing an array of side effects like extreme fatigue, dizziness, weakness, pale skin, and persistent headaches.

Unfortunately, iron deficiency can also affect your dental wellness. Without adequate iron in your diet, your body won’t be able to fight off inflammation and infections as it should.

This can cause issues with gingivitis, inflammation, and, eventually, gum disease despite your best efforts to cure the condition. The finest source of iron is in red meats, but you can also obtain it through cereals, bread, and eggs.

8. Potassium

Potassium is essential for strong bones as it supports to prevent tooth structure’s demineralization. This helps in preventing tooth decay and strengthening your teeth.

Potassium is also necessary for blood clotting, which is critical when recovering from oral surgery or if your gums bleed when you floss or brush your teeth. Good potassium sources include avocados, bananas, milk, leafy greens, and cheese.

9. Phosphorus

Studies have discovered that if calcium is to be absorbed completely, it needs to be clubbed with phosphorus. By pairing calcium with the phosphorus that you’re taking, you can enhance dental health by strengthening the healthy tooth structure. Some of the best sources of phosphorus include cheese, milk, red meats, and yogurt.

Bottom Line 

Taking loads of vegetables and fruits and lean, healthy meats is necessary for your overall well-being and health. Also, your oral health is directly linked to your body’s health. Luckily, a healthy diet can also contribute to a fuller, brighter smile, and little dental problems.

If you are not able to get all of these foods into your diet every day, a high-quality multivitamin can fill in gaps that you might be missing out. You may even find that stressing the number of supplements and vitamins you take everyday benefits more than your smile.

[Also Read: Natural Remedies for Sensitive Teeth]